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Dental Crowns and Veneers

Dental crowns and veneers are dental treatments used to enhance the appearance, shape, and function of teeth. Both procedures involve placing individually tailored restorative materials on the surface of teeth, but they serve different purposes.


Dental Crowns:

  • A dental crown is a cap placed over an existing tooth. This crown shapes the tooth, giving it a natural appearance, and provides additional strength and durability.
    1. Protecting a weakened tooth damaged by decay or fracture.
    2. Aesthetic improvement of a tooth that has lost its shape or color.
    3. As part of the treatment after endodontic therapy (root canal treatment).


  • Dental veneers are thin, customized layers placed on the front surface of teeth. Veneers are often made of porcelain and are used for aesthetic improvement of smiles.
    1. Correction of irregularities in the shape, size, or color of teeth.
    2. Closing gaps between teeth.
    3. Enhancing the appearance of teeth that are disproportionate or too small.

Key Differences:

Primary Purpose:

  • Dental Crowns: The main goal is to protect and shape the tooth, providing durability and improving functionality.
  • Veneers: They focus on aesthetics, providing improvement in the appearance of front teeth.

Thickness of Material:

  • Dental Crowns: Crowns are usually thicker and provide greater coverage of the entire tooth.
  • Veneers: Veneers are thinner, usually less than 1 millimeter, and are placed only on the front surface of the tooth.


  • Dental Crowns: They can be made of metal, metal-ceramic, zirconia, porcelain, or their combinations, depending on the patient’s needs.
  • Veneers: They are often made of porcelain, which provides a natural look and translucency similar to a natural tooth.

Manufacturing Process:

  • Dental Crowns: The process involves tooth preparation, impression taking, temporary crown placement, and then permanent cementation when the crown is ready.
  • Veneers: The process involves minimal tooth preparation, impression taking, and fabrication of veneers in the laboratory, which are then permanently cemented onto the teeth.

Both dental crowns and veneers are individually customized dental work and require careful evaluation by a dentist to achieve the desired aesthetic and functional results.

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