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PRF Regenerative Therapy

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin): Regenerative Therapy in Dentistry

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) represents one of the most innovative methods in the field of regenerative therapy in dentistry. This technique utilizes the patient’s own blood to create a material rich in growth factors, fibrin, and tissue-regenerating cells. PRF is increasingly applied in dentistry, and here is what PRF regenerative therapy is, how it works, and in which situations it is applied.

What is PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)?

PRF is a biological material obtained from the patient’s own blood. The process is simple – a certain amount of blood is taken, and then it is centrifuged to separate different components. The final product, PRF, contains high concentrations of platelets, fibrin, and other growth factors.


How is PRF Therapy Performed?

  • Blood Collection: The dentist carefully collects a certain amount of the patient’s blood.
  • Centrifugation: The collected blood is placed in a special centrifugation device. This device rotates rapidly, separating blood components based on their density.
  • Obtaining PRF: After centrifugation, PRF is obtained in the form of a dense mass of fibrin, retaining platelets and other regenerative factors.
  • Application of PRF: PRF is used directly at the treatment site. This may involve placing PRF in extracted tooth sockets, in the area of periodontal defects, or even during oral surgical interventions.

Function of PRF in Regenerative Therapy:

  • Growth Factors: PRF contains growth factors, chemical signalers that stimulate tissue regeneration, accelerating the healing process.
  • Fibrin Mesh: The dense fibrin mesh acts as a natural framework that supports cells and allows them to organize and regenerate.
  • Platelets: High concentration of platelets in PRF promotes faster coagulation, reduces the risk of infections, and enhances recovery.


Application of PRF Regenerative Therapy in Dentistry:

  • Oral Surgery: PRF is often used in oral surgical procedures, such as tooth extractions, dental bone augmentation, and sinus lift surgeries.
  • Periodontal Therapy: In the treatment of periodontal diseases, PRF is applied to support the regeneration of damaged tissues and improve recovery after periodontal procedures.
  • Implant Procedures: PRF is frequently used as an adjunct during the placement of dental implants to enhance implant integration and stimulate a faster healing process.
  • Endodontic Therapy: PRF may be incorporated into endodontic therapy procedures to support the regeneration of periapical tissues.


Advantages of PRF in Dentistry:

  • Biocompatibility: Since PRF is derived from the patient’s blood, there is minimal risk of rejection or allergic reactions.
  • Faster Healing Process: PRF accelerates the healing process and reduces unwanted effects after surgical procedures.
  • Natural Material: PRF is entirely natural, making it safe and effective for use in dental treatments.
  • Enhances Regeneration Quality: Thanks to the high concentration of growth factors, PRF enhances the quality of tissue regeneration.


PRF regenerative therapy represents an advanced and ubiquitous method in the field of dentistry. Its ability to support the natural healing and regeneration process makes it a valuable tool in numerous dental procedures. This innovative technique promises better treatment outcomes and faster patient recovery.

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